• The Safe School Helpline® is a confidential way to report student concerns about threats, suicide, drugs, bullying or anything that threatens the safety of our schools. Available 24/7.

    Four Ways to Report to the Safe School Helpline®

    Call: 1-800-418-6423  ext 359

    Text: TIPS to 614-426-0240

    Online: SafeSchoolHelpline.com

    Mobile App: Download the FREE app from the GOOGLE PLAY STORE and the APPLE APP STORE

    The app makes it easy to anonymously report a safety or mental health concern using your mobile device to text, call, or submit an online form. 

    Q. How do we know it is anonymous?
    We have contracted for this service through Security Voice, an outside company with no ties to our school.
    Q. How does it work?
    A toll-free number has been assigned for our school district. When you dial this number from a touch-tone phone, you will be advised how to leave your information – and not to include your name or other facts that could identify you. Then, record your message.
    Q. What type of information should be reported?
    Please report any facts, remarks, or actions that could jeopardize the safety of our children, staff, or school. Examples of harmful or threatening behavior might include:
    • Bullying
    • Violence
    • Theft
    • Drug or alcohol use and abuse
    • Talk of suicide
    • Sexual harassment
    • Weapons
    Q. What happens next?
    Security Voice will send a typed copy of your message to the school. The school will then investigate the report, and determine how best to act on it.
    Q. When and where can I call?
    You may call toll-free anytime, day or night – from a home, mobile or pay phone. Take care that your call is not overheard.
    Q. Can this service help troubled students, too?
    Yes. If you see a student who is very troubled, or overhear remarks like "I can't go on," please report it. The call will e routed to a Community Counseling and Crisis Center that provides a 24-hour crisis intervention service. Trained counselors are available 365 days per year to talk with persons seeking assistance in coping with suicidal thoughts, depression, or feelings of loneliness and loss. Callers need only press "3" when prompted.
    Q. Who can call this number?
    Everyone within our school, including:
    • Students
    • Teachers
    • Staff
    • Parents
    • Administrators
    Q. Can I change my message later? How will you know who is calling?
    Yes. When you leave a message you are given a case number that is yours alone. Enter that same case number when updating your message or answering additional questions.
    Q. How will I know if any action has been taken?
    After three school days, call the toll-free number and enter your case number when prompted. A recording will let you know your message was heard and may ask for more information. Your answers will be transcribed and sent to the school administration for further investigation. Administrative actions may sometimes be confidential, but your call is always important.

    Security Voice, Inc. is the national provider of the Safe School Helpline®. The Helpline is a 24/7 communication service that empowers school administrators to make proactive decisions as well as creating responsibilities for students, parents and community members to share in the maintenance of a safe learning environment. They provide children with the opportunity to anonymously report wrongdoing, bullying, and negative issues that would impede the learning process. The Safe School Helpline® has proven itself to be a very effective tool in preventing and deterring negative acts and practices from occurring in over thousands of schools.